トップ / 1.アナログ回路 / 1-9.トランジスタアレー,ラインドライバー、レシーバ
SN75154N 有鉛品◆ 廃止品
Meets or Exceeds the Requirements of ANSI Standard EIA/TIA-232-E and ITU Recommendation V.28/Input Resistance . . . 3 kW to 7 kW Over Full EIA/TIA-232-E Voltage Range/Input Threshold Adjustable to Meet Fail-Safe Requirements Without Using External Components
Built-In Hysteresis for Increased Noise Immunity/Inverting Output Compatible With TTL/Output With Active Pullup for Symmetrical Switching Speeds/Standard Supply Voltages . . . 5 V or 12 V